Laws of the Universe

Laws of the Universe

June 30, 202313 min read

If you watched the movie "The Secret", you became familiar with the Law of Attraction. What a lot of people do not know when it comes to manifestation is that the Law of Attraction is a subset of the Law of Vibration.

Some people say there are 7, 11, 12, or even 150 Laws of the Universe. Here I'll share the most common ones [and my favorite].

Why should I care for the Laws of the Universe

The Laws of the Universe dictate how the Universe works. If you want to manifest wealth, health, relationships, love, joy, you name it, in your life, working with the Laws of the Attraction can support you in removing resistance and manifesting things easily.

It is also my belief that when we understand the Laws of the Universe, it is easier for us to navigate the ups and downs of life.

The Laws of the Universe are at work at all times: and they work together.

Without further ado, let's get to the laws:

The Law of Divine Oneness

This law assumes that we are all connected. We are all made of the same materials and we came from the same source.

Based on that assumption, it also assumes that what happens to one individual has a ripple effect on all of us.

Why the Law of Divine Oneness matters and how it can support you

It matters because when we assume we are all connected and what happens to one has a ripple effect on the collective we can:

  1. Act from a more empathetic and kind space

  2. Self-Care becomes natural: if I better myself, it has a ripple effect in the collective

  3. Less judgment: you can be less judgmental of yourself and others: when someone wins - you, me, them - it is just another example of what is possible.

The Law of Vibration

This law states that everything is made of energy, and it vibrates at a specific frequency. Everything in terms of everything: the tangible [your car, phone, chair] to the intangible [your feelings and thoughts].

With the Law of Vibration in mind, we understand that nothing is really static and that there is an energy that we put out to the world based on our intentions, beliefs, feelings, and thoughts.

The Law of Attraction is a subset of the Law of Vibration, which states that we attract the energy that we hold [more on that later]

Why the Law of Vibration matters and how it can support you

The Law of Vibration might be one of my favorite laws. You know when you just "vibe" with someone? When you just want to be around a certain person? Or when you meet someone that is so magnetic? This is the Law of Vibration at work.

The intention that we put behind words, thoughts, and actions will attract or repel what we desire - because the Law of Vibration is always working. In not so mysterious ways.

The Law of Correspondence

This law states that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Pretty much we are all living in a self-fulfilling prophecy on this planet.

I like to connect the Law of Correspondence with the Pygmalion Effect: our expectations will always be met: the observer dictates, most of the time, which results are out there.

As a Mindset Coach, 99% of the folks that come to work with me can find themselves in a self-fulfilling prophecy that is not supportive of where they want to go. The first thing we do is identify the reality of their outer world, connect with their inner world, and find the beliefs that must be uninstalled - so we can use that void to install more supportive programs.

Why the Law of Correspondence matters and how it can support you

It matters because understanding this law is the first step to start affecting change in your life. Are you living in a loop of: bad jobs, terrible managers, unhealthy relationships? Whatever loop you find yourself in, you are the only person that has the ability to change it.

Some people call it shadow work, healing work, whatever it is that you want to label this introspection to find the parts of you that is allowing this never ending cycle - and shift it to attract what you desire.

It's also important to notice that this concept has been proved by science! So, a while back, scientists wanted to prove: is light a wave or a particle. What they found was astonishing! When the observer expected the light to behave as a wave, the results they had were of light acting as a wave. When the observer expected the light to act as a particle... guess what? It behaved as a particle.

And this is because our brain is processing millions of bits of information every second in our subconscious mind, and in its effort to make us less overwhelmed and conserve energy, it'll send to our conscious mind only what it deems to be important to us by filtering, deleting, and grouping information together. It'll show us what we believe to be true - because our brain always wants to prove us right.

Learn how to expect the best case scenario, learn how to expect miracles: and they will become a reality.

The Law of Attraction

We touched briefly on the Law of Attraction before. I see the Law of Attraction as a subset of the Law of Vibration: both of them assumes that we are all made of energy, and that we emit this frequency from our physical and metaphysical fields.

The Law of Attraction goes a little deeper on the tangent of: we attract the energy or frequency that we are emitting.

Think about the big beautiful Universe being like a radio: we will be connected with the station that runs in the frequency that we are tuned into.

If you feel lucky, you'll be lucky. If you feel unlucky, you will be unlucky.

Why the Law of Attraction matters and how it can support you

At its most basic level, the Law of Attraction can support you in attracting more of what you desire once you get into the same vibration of what you want.

It's simple: if you want more wealth - you need to feel wealthy.

The Law of Attraction can supports you in 2 ways:

  1. Identify your current energetic imprint: what is that you are currently attracting

  2. Identify the energetic imprint of what you desire: and take action to start owning this new frequency

The Law of Inspired Action

I LOVE this one. To manifest whatever it is that you want, you need to TAKE ACTION. Just focusing on the energy work and healing will only take you so far. Inspired action comes from: embodying your higher self, being in the correct energy, trusting the timing, and working with all the other laws.

Why the Law of Inspired Action matters and how it can support you

It matters because it is a call for movement. A call for taking action - especially when it doesn't rationally makes sense [I do recommend connecting with your Human Design authority for a mind-free decision making process, you can get your free human design chart here]

It can support you in getting out of a funk, and trusting that you'll get different results once you take different actions.

I always connect the Law of Inspired Action with the Law of Vibration: infusing my actions with the energy that I want my outcome to be makes it all so much more powerful.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Everything is forever changing. Nothing stays the same. This law is a reminder that we are not what we were one minute ago, we don't need to hold ourselves to standards or to expectations that no longer fill us: because we are constantly evolving.

Why the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy matters and how it can support you

Simply put, it matters because it's a reminder that nothing is static, including ourselves and our circumstances.

If we are able to embody this law, our past becomes null. They are just an indication of who we were, of past decisions. Because everything is constantly changing, I can make different decisions and take different actions.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy can support you especially in moments that things are not great. As everything is always changing, you can work with your energy and actions to move in the direction you want to go.

It is also a healthy reminder that we will never be 100% of the time in alignment, feeling love or joyful. And that's OK - because it is not only part of our human experience, but it is how our universe works as a whole.

The Law of Cause and Effect

Every action will call for an effect. This is related to our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, our actual movement and decisions in the world

I always relate the Law of Cause and Effect a little with the concept of Karma: what goes around comes around. [Also, when we are making invocations and rituals, we should always consider that the energy/requests we put out there come back to us at the force of 3: if you wish someone ill, it'll come back to you - just as a side note]

Why the Law of Cause and Effect matters and how it can support you

If you want to change your reality, you must change your beliefs, patterns, self talk, and energetic imprint. All that you are experiencing is an effect, the cause is your inner world [remember the Law of Correspondence?].

It matters and it supports you because you now have an indicator, a metric if you will, to measure what is going on in your inner world, and start taking actions to change it.

If you're inside Money Mindset Mastery, I share the tools to start shifting our inner world, such as: introspection and tapping.

The Law of Compensation

Some people say "what you reap is what you sow" and this is the Law of Compensation at its most basic level.

When we go a little deeper, and add a manifestation and goal setting angle to it [you can check out the W.A.N.D. manifestation method here], we can connect with the depth of:

  • what is it that I'm selling/sharing/etc

  • what makes me unique

  • is it irreplaceable

  • What am I receiving and what am I giving in return

In my line of business - Mindset coach - a lot of people assume that the "giving in return" requires sacrifices or has monetary value. It does not. [I do share more of it inside the W.A.N.D manifestation method]

Why the Law of Compensation matters and how it can support you

It is a reminder that when we work from a place of ecology, a place that is for the highest good to me, those around me, my community, and the world, I'll be rewarded in the same manner.

This is so supportive, especially when you are leaning into a lot of the masculine energy of business and life: being overly strategic. This is the invitation to step back and really reconnect with the purpose of it all. Business, and life, is not only about money, revenue, and sales. When we focus on what we give, we'll certainly receive.

The Law of Relativity

This is not the Einstein relativity, but more so that everything is relative because each human perceives reality in their own way.

In the mindset industry we have something we call "Model of Reality", and this is the Law of Relativity at work: no 2 people perceive the same experience the same way. We filter everything that happens through our own experiences, bias, beliefs, values and traumas.

Why the Law of Compensation matters and how it can support you

It helps us understand that truth is relative. There is no such thing as the universal truth. It supports us in letting go of the need to be right all the time, and also guides us in being more empathetic as we do not know what filters the other person has.

The Law of Polarity

Like a magnet, everything in life has its opposite. There is a problem, and a solution. An obstacle, and an opportunity.

Why the Law of Polarity matters and how it can support you

If you are experiencing something you do not want, you know for a fact that what you want exists. This is supportive when we are going through difficult times, and, working with the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy and The Law of Vibration, we can achieve what we desire.

The Law of Rhythm

This law assumes that cycles are a natural part life. When we surrender and trust our inner rhythm, we can let our inner-wisdom flourish.

Why the Law of Rhythm matters and how it can support you

It proves that the "hustle culture" goes against human and natural behaviour. We are meant to have different seasons in life, and if we don't honor them, we are led to burnout. When we allow ourselves to follow our rhythm, we open space for expansion, abundance, and wisdom.

The Law of Gender

The Law of Gender assumes that everything has its feminine and masculine energy. Everything has this opposing force that brings it to balance.

Why the Law of Gender matters and how it can support you

The Law of Gender matters because when we operate from the healed feminine and masculine, all the resistance is null. The feminine energy is known for being nurturing, flow-y, rhythmic; where the masculine structure is more structured, systematic, and logical.

When we integrate both is when we find balance in our life. If you are able to identify which energy you operate from naturally, you can find the space that holding the opposite energy can support you with getting into motion.

Now that you know the Laws of the Universe, what do you do with it?

All knowledge in the world means nothing if it's not put into practice and shared. The first step is to connect with them and invite them in your life the moment they can support you in living a more joyful life.

As humans, we tend to look for wisdom and solutions outside of ourselves, the Laws of the Universe remind us that we hold all the answers if we are just willing to take a deep look inwards.

If you are looking for support in this journey, there are a few ways I can support you:

  1. W.A.N.D. Manifestation Method: Free worksheet and guide to manifest all your dreams into reality, one step at the time

  2. Money Mindset Mastery: Mindset Course with timeless tools and techniques to release all the blocks in your way to live your most prosperous life.

  3. 1:1 Coaching: you can apply to work with me here

laws of the universemanifesting
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Gigi Bier

Gigi Bier is a mindset, business and wealth coach who supports creative entrepreneurs in building businesses that supports their life, following her methodology of 95% mindset work and 5% strategy. Gigi has supported dozens of entrepreneurs achieve financial freedom and live out their most successful life.

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