"I love filling this moss green notebook with all my world-changing ideas in the back of this trendy cafe where no one will ever see them."

yeah, nope. This is not what you had in mind when you started your business.

After hours of reading manifestation and business books, meditating, journaling, and that shameful hours of scrolling on TikTok and Instagram looking for that one single missing piece that will change your life - and business.

Hear me loud and clear: no amount of reading, listening, visualization, and ahem scrolling is going to help you build the sustainable and profitable business you see in your mind's eye. 

You tried all the “tried and true” methodologies (and spent hundreds - if not thousands - of dollars), just to have little to be proud of.

You pivoted faster than you can say “pivot”, just to follow the trends that “are working” for your competitors.

All of this, and more, just to be left at the same spot that you were when you started.

Guess what….

  • Business gets to be easy, once you build a strong foundation.

  • There are one billion and one ways to build a successful business.

  • Success is what YOU want it to be [and not what “they” think it should be].

  • A sustainable business is built to scale, and not to keep you small.

  • You CAN receive multiple 5-figure months without sacrificing time with your family [and no more checking emails instead of watching your kid’s soccer practice].

  • Your “Next Level Self” blueprint gets to be FUN and JOYFUL - this is the best way to turn ideas into reality.

Rationally, you get that it’s all possible, you just don’t know HOW to make it happen.

It's time to stop chasing your money...

and ignoring your finances.

This is not another "energetics program".

This is not another "proven strategy program".

We do not believe that there is a one-size fits all solution to success.

We do believe in the integration of all the metaphysical with strategy and structures that will, inevitably, lead to success.

And success, baby-doll, is what you want it to be.

It's time to burn down 🔥 all the "tried and true" strategies that do little more than put you in a box.

... this would be great if you were a cat... but I don't think you are one 🐈

It's time to create a blueprint that fits your vision, your goals and your needs.

And you do not need to do it alone.

Considering that:

  • roughly 50% of businesses closes its door by their 5th year,

  • Solopreneurs make an average of $46,000 per year in revenue,

  • Companies with up to 4 employees make an average of $387,000 a year in revenue,

  • Woman operated business generates an average of 438% less revenue than man operated business,

  • 12% of woman owned business brings over $100,000 in revenue,

  • 3% of woman owned business brings over $1M in revenue - compared to 6% of man owned businesses.

Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Business Employment Dynamics, Fora Financial, gov.info

You didn't start your business just for the money.

But you never imagined how challenging would it be to make and hold it.

Here is where I come in... Since 2019 I have supported my clients with:

  • Earning $1M in revenue in 18 months

  • Hire 5 full-time employees [and navigate all the employment tax & registration hurdles], while increasing their profit margin by 10%

  • Take a 3-months sabbatical while increasing their revenue

  • Negotiate a corporate contract 200% higher than offered [and get the contract signed, sealed, and delivered]

  • Heal part of their money trauma, and buy the car of their dreams

  • Learn how to read the story their money tell, and make educated + intuitive business decisions

  • Become more confident when talking about money, and increasing their revenue with ease

  • Increase their profit margins by 20% [without working more hours]

  • Have a $100,000 profit year

  • Pay themselves a six-figure salary

Bespoke Coaching with Gigi

An elevated, holistic partnership focused on manifesting the business and life of your dreams.

More money ✅

More clients ✅

More ease ✅

More time ✅

More freedom ✅

With our streamlined process, we’ll create a custom success blueprint, and you’ll get support every step of the way.

How different would things be if your business was supporting your life? More joyful? More abundant?

Bespoke coaching Experience

One on One Coaching

Holistic Business, Mindset + Manifestation Coaching

Bespoke Coaching Experience

starts at


per month

1, 3 or 6-month experience

Self-Concept and Business-Concept Blueprint

Calls every fortnight

Support via text + voice message and email [WhatsApp or Text Message]

Ideal for entrepreneurs looking to improve their mindset and build a business that supports their life.

· Entrepreneurs looking to double their revenue without doubling their efforts

· Understand the story their money tell

· Implement an intuitive money management system

· Release energetic and mindset blocks to wealth

· Create an intentional spending plan for your business

· Create a blueprint for growth

Inside the one on one, we focus on:

· Channeled Mentorship

· Re-program your subconscious mind

· Identity-Based Transformation Coaching

· Human Design Coaching and Mentorship

· Mindset Coaching

· Offer Creation and Pricing Strategy

· Understanding your Finances + Money Management

· Creating Rituals to Support Your Vision

· Empowerment

· Re-connect with your Soul Purpose

·Set up your business for growth (i.e. hiring employees, set up money management systems, etc)

This process is the exact process that supported me and my clients:

· Feel more confident showing up in their business

· Make $1M in revenue in 18 months

· Take a 3 months sabbatical without loss of revenue

· Have a multiple 6-figure profit year

· Scale their business without burnout

This offer is a mix of coaching, consulting and healing.

One-Month Coaching

Two 90-minutes

Text and Voice Memo Support

Investment: $1,750

Three-Month Coaching

Six 90-minutes call

Text and Voice Memo Support

Investment: $5,000

Six-Month Coaching

Twelve 90-minutes call

Text and Voice Memo Support

Investment: $9,500

payment plans available

Focus Session

Focus Session

Starts at


45 min $190

90 min session $360

Choice of Focus: New Self, Release, Hypnosis, Pricing + Offer, Money Talk [you can combine focuses]

Access to meeting recording

Access to meeting notes + next steps

The Focus Sessions are ideal for the entrepreneur looking for a "quick win" and a troubleshoot session. Together we can:

✨ Releasing energetic and mindset blocks to abundance

✨ Set up a method for your money dates

✨ Expand space to receive more money

✨ Create a debt-payment plan

✨ Find energetic and mechanic pricing and offer alignment

✨ Pricing Strategy and Offer Creation

✨ Money Talk

Focus to choose:

👉 "New Self" Blueprint Focus Session: Session dedicated to define the new self through focusing on what you desire to manifest + creating your next-level self blueprint

👉 "Release" Focus Session: Session dedicated to releasing old self-attachments. We use subconscious techniques like Neural Energetic Encoding and Neural Energetic Wiring.

👉 Hypnosis: Custom Hypnosis Session

👉 Pricing + Offer: Pricing Strategy and Offer Structure Strategy

👉 Money Talk: Money Management, Money Systems, General Money Strategies

We have loved working with Gigi. It is easily the best investment we've made in growing our business because we always know where we stand.

We originally thought that the cost might be higher than we could afford, but we quickly realized that the pricing is fair, justified, and necessary for us to scale.

We feel at ease about our finances, knowing that Giovana is guiding us toward our goals. Through our monthly consulting, we are assured that we are growing at a sustainable and measurable pace.

- R + J - COnsultants

“If you want something different, you need to become something different”

Not sure where to start?

And who am I to tell you all those things?

I'm Giovana - but you can call me Gigi.

I'm a Brazilian expat that has been supporting creatives and entrepreneurs - just like yourself - to build a business that supports their life.

My corporate background is in accounting and HR, with a flavor of customer support. I know all the structures that you need to have in your business to allow for growth.

Not any kind of growth... sustainable growth.

As an entrepreneur, I've focused my learnings and teachings in the metaphysical: mindset and manifestation.

I've learned that the key to a successful business in finding the right balance between structure and the metaphysical.

Working together you can expect mindset and manifestation coaching, alongside with money systems and business coaching to move from surviving into thriving.

Wondering if partnering with me is the right call?

We are ❌ not ❌ a good fit if....

  • You are looking for someone to tell you what to do

  • You don't think you need mindset work

  • You think manifestation is a hoax

  • You are not up to have a good time

  • You are not willing to to the actual work

  • You don't think you can change

  • You are looking for a shortcut to success

  • You are not interested in sustainable growth

  • You have and want to maintain a static mindset

We ❤️ are ❤️ a good fit if...

  • You are willing to do the work

  • You recognize the importance of mindset work

  • You recognize the importance of strategy and money management

  • You are brave enough to pave your own path

  • You want to build a strong foundation for your business

  • You understand that sustainable growth is not about keeping you small

  • You recognize the importance of energetic work, alongside with intentional action

  • You have or want to nurture a growth mindset

Frequent Asked Questions

What are you? A Money Mindset Coach, Business Coach? And what are your qualifications to guide me toward financial peace?

Great Question! I'm a Mindset and Business coach. A lot of my clients see me as a manifestation coach and a spiritual advisor. I know it can sound a bit "out there" - but it makes sense.

I believe in the integration of the spiritual, mindset, and manifestation with actual systems and structures. I'm here to guide you in both fronts! In terms of qualifications, let's get to the nitty-gritty:

➡️ My background is in Hospitality and Hotel Management, I've worked on the backend of businesses [HR and Accounting] for about 2 decades.

➡️ I've been working in the Accounting sphere for 10 years, 8 of them in the USA, supporting multi-million and billion dollar startups, and entrepreneurs, just like yourself.

➡️ I have a Mindset Coach, Hypnosis Practitioner, EFT Practitioner, Neural Energetic Encoding Practitioner, and Neural Energetic Wiring Practitioner Certification from YES Supply

➡️ I'm a certified Channeler level I and II with BeLove Healings

➡️I'm certified with Bold Self in IBT (Identity Based Transformation) Coaching

➡️ I'm certified with Krystal Woods in her Embodied by Design Method (Human Design)

All of that looks good on paper, but my main qualification is my experience working with a diverse group of clients.

How "woo-woo" are you? I feel ashamed to tell my family/partner/friends that I'm exploring this "alternative" way of life.

First off, I want to congratulate you on this awareness.

I feel that we can only make conscious decisions when we are aware of the beliefs and storylines that we've been telling ourselves.

There is nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to manifestation: the mindset and manifestation methods that I use are SCIENCE BASED.

Yep, there is a method and reason behind the "madness".

My methodology focuses in integrating the "woo-woo" with science and systems.

Some lessons and exercises will fall on the "woo woo" spectrum, while others will be more systematic.

The entire program is working on the integration of both aspects of business. If you have a specific question or concern with what you consider to be "woo-woo" send me a DM on Instagram with your question and I can support you in learning if this program is ideal for you.

I am a little embarrassed [and ashamed] to share my money stuff. I have too much debt/my revenue is too low/etc.

I hold a no judgment space. It is a brave space.

In this brave space, I do expect you to be brave. Together we can make a debt repayment plan. Together we can create a structure to increase your revenue.

The past is just data that we have to create a new future.

I do expect you to share your financial statements - the "money stuff" - with me. But being this the case, we'll focus on your healing first, to create an abundant money mindset and build that strong foundation for growth.

Do you offer a guarantee?

No - I do not offer guarantees.

I work with people that are in different stage in business, therefore it does not feel aligned to offer any guarantees. My client's results speak for itself. You can read more about them on the testimonial page.

Why don't you share names on the testimonials?

The nature of my work is very private. When I request testimonials from my clients the default option is to remain anonymous. Why? Because my clients cherish the privacy of their income level. You see, to them, the end goal is to LIVE A SUCCESSFUL LIFE, not the amount of money they are earning. We work on describing where they were and the transformation, in hopes of make their journey clear.

I tried manifesting money and nothing really changed. How are you different than all the other "experts" out there?

I obviously do not know all the other places you learned and were coached on manifesting - each program and each coach has a different angle, if you will.

Now, if we're learning from TikTok - there is only so much we can share in 60 seconds. And there is ALWAYS something that is left out - this is by design.

In my experience and education, there are 5 main reasons why people are not manifesting what they desire:

➡️ Energetic Imprint

➡️ Manifesting from Lack/Unworthiness

➡️ Identity incongruence

➡️ Resistance to receiving/Trauma

➡️ Not taking aligned action

In this program you'll learn, or re-learn, the basics of manifesting AND mindset AND identity shifts, and we can work on troubleshooting the resistance or misalignment. I'll be here to guide you and support you all the way.

How to we get started?

I'm so glad you asked!

If you are interested in a Focus Session, you can book them here.

If you are interested in One on One Coaching, you can apply here.

If you're unsure, you can email me or slide in my DMs with your questions.

Are you ready to grow your business and make it support your life?

Apply to work with me.



© 2019-2024 My Cats And Me, LLC dba Gigi Bier Coaching | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy + Terms & Conditions | SITE BY FUNNEL GORGEOUS