*All names on the case studies have been altered for privacy of my clients. Results vary from people to people and are not guaranteed
When Max* approached to work with me they were just starting a new business. We had worked together before setting up their business for valuation and sale. With this new initiative, Max believed it to be a no brainer to work with me from inception to build a solid [and profitable] foundation for their business].
Every coaching client, the first call is a "goal setting" call. I know, I know... this is not the sexiest part of coaching, but it is fundamental to any mindset and business coaching work.
Where they were was a blank canvas - they had, literally, just started this new business. The main piece of work was getting clear with their long term vision and creating their blueprint for the next 12-months.
Full disclaimer: Max and I worked together in this business for 2 years. I know it would be sexy to say that all this transformation was accomplished in 30 days, but the reality is: lasting transformation requires a bit of groundwork and time. Still, going from $0 to $1M in 18 months it is pretty remarkable, IMHO.
Max vision casting was to be the go-to membership within their niche. To provide education, inspiration and community to their people. There were quite a few memberships available in their niche, they wanted to stand out by offering a white-glove service for their members.
When I asked Max what was their revenue goal for the first few years, they got very uncomfortable. And this was someone that already had a business that was sold for high six-figures. Max said that they had mentioned their revenue goal to a friend and the friend laugh and said it was absurd, it was not realistic. I'm in the business of unrealistic goals, so I asked again, stating that I would not be able to support them fully without knowing their goals. I'm not here to judge, or ask them to play small. I can only give them the tools to expansion if I know where they want to go.
Max revenue goal was $1 million in 24 months. Now, that is NOT unrealistic.
From conception, we had this revenue goal as the north star, along with the vision for their membership.
As their business was a blank slate, we had to start building some foundations:
Normalize $500,000 in revenue in one year. We broke down the expected revenue and expenses in a cashflow forecast worksheet.
Intentional launch calendar: Know the times of the year were their people are busier and when they have more time. Plan the launch for non-busy time and have a 90-day launch runaway.
Intentional Investments: paid collaborations, ads, hiring. We set up a plan of benchmarks to when those investments would provide the best ROI. And create a mindset that money spent is money invested.
Abundance Mindset: Re-program their brain to see competition as evidence that there is a need for what they provide, and focus on their differential: white glove membership.
Pricing Strategy: The membership is offered in 3 different ties, at different price points and different levels of access to them. Work on the psychology of pricing, which offer they want to sell the most, and set a profitable price.
Attitude of Gratitude: develop a daily ritual to practice gratitude every single day.
Together, we created a 24-month blueprint, a 12-month blueprint and a 6-month blueprint.
So, the first 6 months working together, we were not even talking about the $1M in revenue. We a list of activities that needed to be done, and their launch strategy [now, while I'm not a launch expert, we did set up a plan of activities that needed to be done before, during, and after the launch]. With the first launch, we were able to get data: why people joined the membership, why they didn't, how much do we accommodate price sensitivity, what was the conversion rate, content that converted the most, pay in full discount, etc.
We also worked on a money management system to account for all pay in full people. Max could be a little loose with expenditures when they saw a healthy balance in their bank account, so we set up a high yield savings account for the PIF, and monthly moved money to the main account. [This is why it is so important to know your relationship with money - we can create structures in your business that work with you, not against you.]
Due their income level, I worked with their tax accountant for the S-Corp election, and set up their payroll. With that, we were able to set up a system that would pay Max a real salary every single month.
Within 8 months, Max had a team of 3 people working full time for them, and was on track to earn over $500,000 in revenue by the end of the year.
With every launch, with every strategic investment, we worked on the mindset before, during and after, and we collected the data. Max was able to know which kind of content converted their dream client. They were able to develop relationships with those dream clients during launch, they had a waitlist that the conversion was 80% - they were selling out before even officially launching!
After 18 months, Max revenue was $1M! They earned $500,000 in their first year, and another $500,000 in the following 6 months. They could believe that it happened because receiving $1M became their baseline. All the re-programming work that we did was so that level of revenue felt inevitable.
Max went from a starting business to a million dollar business in less than 2 years. The work we did together was a mix of strategy and mindset. We focused on having the correct mindset before starting any new project or effort - so that every action had the correct energetic imprint.
Max said that, while they were fearful of making such a big investment when they didn't have any revenue, working with me still is the best investment they made in their business. Seeing their business as a whole, and making sure that all the pieces are working together, and that everyone in their team is being guided by the same north start, made their success inevitable.
If you're interested in learning how I can support you grow your business, you can apply to work with me.